Have questions about submitting your solution, the do’s and don’ts of Virtual WF, and more? This page offers tons of information to guide you during your Virtual World Finals experience. If you can’t find the answer you need, email info@odysseyofthemind.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s the best resource for information about Odyssey of the Mind 2020 Virtual World Finals ?
    Be sure to follow OdysseyHQ for updates and activities. And continue to monitor the 2020 Virtual WF website as well. Private Clarifications will be open for questions about submitting specific aspects of your solution virtually.
  • What is the cost to participate?
    The fee to submit your video is $100, except for Primary which is $50. Due to the technical nature of Problems 1 and 2, a second video is encourage at no additional cost. There is no additional video for Problems 3-5. Register now and receive a Virtual World Finals login! You can add or update your video up until May 15th 8PM US ET. Payment is due at registration.
  • What is the deadline?
    Submissions must be completed by May 15th, 8 PM US ET.
  • Will there be Spontaneous?
    It wouldn’t be World Finals without Spontaneous! Yes, there will be a Spontaneous component in May.  The Virtual Spontaneous page will list rules and updates as they become available.
  • Who will judge my solution?
    Experienced, trained Odyssey of the Mind volunteer officials including judges, head judges, and International Problem Captains are working together to create virtual judging teams!
  • I didn’t get a chance to participate in a Regional or State tournament. Can I still be part of Virtual World Finals?
    Because a great number of teams from all over the world had no opportunity to demonstrate their solutions, the Odyssey of the Mind 2020 Virtual World Finals will be open to all teams.
  • I have a video from a competition this year, can I submit that?
    Absolutely! It must remain a continuous video as described in the rules and clarifications. Additional items can be added after the performance aspect of the video.
  • How do I compete in Virtual World Finals?
    We can’t wait to see everyone’s creative ideas! Participating is simple: Register to receive a VWF login. Read the Virtual WF Rules. Upload your video to share with us. Payment is due when you register. If you have a submission question that involves specifics from your solution, submit a Virtual WF Clarification.
  • My team’s props are at school. What can I do?
    Personal safety comes first– Odyssey of the Mind does not want anyone to put participation above health and safety. Teams will be allowed to submit a video and replace it if they wish up to the deadline. Do not congregate if your area is on self-quarantine. Use caution, wash your hands properly and use social distancing until told otherwise. Contact school officials to see if there are safe options to retrieve your props or have them delivered to you. If need be, re-create them with what you have even if they are at different houses, they can be added to your video to be seen by Odyssey officials. Be sure to read the Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual WF.
  • My team wants to participate but cannot get together in any way. Can we participate?
    Teams will be judged on their solutions, not the quality of the videos. You are allowed to use any form of video recording, meeting software, etc. that you wish in order to record a performance. We know this is very different but are sure OMers will be able to put something together. Remember, you are allowed to change the video you submit until May 15th, if circumstances in your area change, you are allowed to change your video as well.
  • My primary team has a solution it wants to submit, can it participate?
    Primary teams are welcome to register to have their solution viewed. It will remain non-competitive and instead of feedback, solutions will be highlighted between May 16- May 30.
  • Will there be a way to commemorate 2020 Virtual World Finals?
    Be on the look out for limited edition souvenirs!
  • Will there be an Awards Ceremony?
    The Awards Ceremony will be streamed on May 30th just as it would have been had we gone to the ISU campus. Teams will be recognized, trophies and medals will be awarded.
  • How do I create a shareable link for my video?
    Read a tutorial for creating shareable links using Google Drive here.